Sunday, April 17, 2011

C4T blog/ Summary

I read the blog from Jabiz, and he is a man with very intense words, and he takes his work very serious. I can tell he is a person who puts time and effort into what he wants to say, and I think that is great. He goes straight to the point with his comments, but with a sense of humor. I like his ideas of the connection we need with each other, and to have a open mind with others.

Jabiz's last post was an awesome to me. I liked how he adresses education in Africa, and especially the way he portarayed the country as a place where learing can be attained. I thought it was great how he chose different scenes and music that depicts the life of an average African American who has to work very hard to get a simple meal to eat. He also talks about The Daraja Acedemy, which I think was also a great idea to get education started in Africa. Jabiz talked about one of the students who name was Ester,I like tha fact that he showed me that even though education is not as demanding there as it is here, because the lack of money and educators it is still important in other countries. Ester  was a very bright student who wanted to learn even though it was dfficult. I hope that Jabiz gets all the support he needs to make this learning opportunity a reality for Ester because funding is greatly needed.
 Jabiz is a teacher who is truly dedicated to teaching and educating others, he has so much passion for what he does and it shows through his work and his words.

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