Thursday, March 3, 2011


Hi, this is what I have created on my LPN account I know it isn't much, but I don't visit the life of the internet so I really don't have many but these are the accounts that

I have: Utube, Twitter and Gmail.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Monsenya!

    Building your PLN definitely takes some time; it's actually a never-ending process, if you really think about it! Once you actually begin using and utilizing it, you will CONSTANTLY be finding new things to add. Since you don't really seem to have actually gotten started on your PLN, may I suggest the use of Twitter? Dr. Strange added a list of who to follow on the class blog a few weeks back that will definitely help you get started. Also, I have a TechEd list set up under my account that you should definitely take a look at!

    - Allie
